Old Brooklyn CDC
Mission Statement
To develop and revitalize the community by uniting and empowering residents, business leaders and government around plans and initiatives and achieve social, economic and civic improvement.
Today OBCDC’s service area consists of these two neighborhoods, all of Old Brooklyn and portions of Brooklyn Centre which encompasses three council wards. They include most of Ward 13 (Councilman Kevin Kelley), and sections of Ward 3 (Councilman Joe Cimperman), and Ward 12 (Councilman Tony Brancatelli.
The organization also publishes the Old Brooklyn News – a community newspaper available at 250 locations throughout Old Brooklyn and Brooklyn Centre.
Our Purpose and Priorities
OBCDC serves as an advocate for the community, dedicated to promoting, maintaining, and enhancing the quality of life. The programs and services are designed to be valuable resources and tools to improve enhance the quality of the neighborhood. Areas of focus include:
Community Building
Ensures active and effective communication with service area residents, businesses and institutions regarding plans and actions of OBCDC and its partners.
Retention and Preservation
Works to preserve and maintain the historical characteristics of the neighborhoods of Old Brooklyn and Brooklyn Centre.
Economic Development
Functions as the business resource center for Old Brooklyn and Brooklyn Centre, recruiting businesses, listing available space, and working with existing businesses to retain and improve the area’s economic base.
Actively manages the available real estate stock in the service area to include redevelopment of critical properties, restoration, renovation, and leasing of properties.
Community e-Notice Service
Sign up to receive our Community e-Notice which will provide the latest listing of community development events and notices. Send a message.
For additional information on all of Old Brooklyn CDC’s services and programs go to their web site at
See also: Frequently Asked Questions